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 波束成形 添加此单词到默认生词本
beam forming

  1. 利用基于波束成形的远场声阵列噪声源分析技术研究了摩托车辐射噪声的声源特性。
    Using the microphone array system based on beam forming technology, the noise emission property of a motorcycle was investigated in detail.
  2. 仿真结果表明,当小区内的用户数足够多时,所提出的方案获得的系统吞吐量将收敛于在发射端使用特徵波束成形矩阵的吞吐量。
    The simulation results show that the throughput of proposed method converges to that of eigen-beamforming when the number of users in a cell is large.
  3. 对重型商用车声源识别结果说明,利用最小方差无畸变响应估计能较常规波束成形更好地识别出噪声源。
    Comparing the results between common beam forming and MVDR method, it shows MVDR method has higher resolution and can identify the complex noise distribution of the moving heavy d.

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