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 波束转换 添加此单词到默认生词本
beam switching

  1. 采用有限差分波束传输法(FD-BPM)设计了一种66%模式转换、合并器。
    The finite difference beam propagation method(FD-BPM)is used to design a device of 66% MMI-converter-Combiners.
  2. 该算法首先将矢量水听器阵元的空间数据转换波束空间,然后对转换后的数据再运用MVDR算法。
    In this algorithm, the spatial data from the elements of the vector sensors array are transformed to that in the beam space at first, then MVDR algorithm is used for the transformed data.
  3. 搜索波束稳定技术及相关坐标系转换是装备了车载搜索雷达的自行防空武器系统的关键技术之一。
    The search beam stabilization technique and the concerned coordinate system conversion are key techniques of self-propelled antiaircraft weapon system equipped with the vehicular search radar.

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