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 波束效率 添加此单词到默认生词本
solid-beam efficiency

  1. 本文导出了地面站常用的改进型波束波导馈电高效率双镜天线的辐射特性的计算式。
    In this paper, the equations for calculation of the radiation performances on high efficiency double reflector antenna fed by beam waveguide are derived.
  2. 波束测深仪是一种高效率、高精度、高分辨率的海底地形测量设备,特别适合大面积的扫海测量作业。
    Multi-beam swath bathymeter is a seafloor mapping equipment with high efficiency, high accuracy and excellent resolution, especially fitted for wide sweep mapping.
  3. 研究了利用注频锁相技术实现低成本、高集成度、高效率的发射波束形成系统。
    The paper studies a new kind of beam forming system based on injection-locking technique, which has the merits of low cost, high integration and high efficiency.

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