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 波束制导 添加此单词到默认生词本
beam rider guidance

  1. 波束制导系统使用一个目标跟踪装置,它的目的是保持天线视轴指向目标反射的中心。
    Beam riding systems use a target tracker whose purpose is to maintain the antenna boresight pointing at the centre of the reflecting area of the target.
  2. 通过采用电子制导雷达波束这一技术使传感器可以在同一时间完成多项任务,同时大大提高了检测能力。
    By electronic guidance of the radar beam this technology enables the sensor to fulfill several tasks at the same time while increasing the detection capability substantially.
  3. 为了提高制导精度,系统设计人员希望使用尽可能窄的制导波束
    To improve guidance accuracy the systems engineer will want the narrowest guidance beam possible.

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