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 气象资料 添加此单词到默认生词本
[气象] meteorological data

  1. 研究表明农民对气候变化的感知并不总是与全国气象资料一致。
    Studies indicate that farmers' perception of climate change does not always tally with national meteorological data.
  2. 该模型利用一系列按小时提供的需求预测和气象资料已经表明,英国平均95%的电力消耗能够从可再生能源中产生。
    Using a range of hourly demand forecasts and weather data, the model has shown Britain could on average generate 95% of its electricity consumption from renewables.
  3. 美国国家气象资料中心还与其他国家进行长期的资料交换工作,其中包括与中国建立的为期20年的交换计划。
    NCDC also has long-term data-exchange efforts with other countries, including a 20-year program with China.

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