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 气锥 [qì zhuī添加此单词到默认生词本
{油工} gas coning

  1. 还不太清楚圆形的气锥成因是因为磁场效应还是受伴星影响。
    These are focused into cones of gas bymagnetic fields or a binary companion in a process that is not yet wellunderstood [3].
  2. 实践证明水平井能够在一定程度上缓解底水或进,可以有效改善开发效果。
    Practice proves that horizontal well can slow bottom water or gas peak coning at a certain extent, improve exploitation effect effectively.
  3. 水平井开采技术因其能提高产量以及解决底水或顶油藏的水气锥问题,在油田开发中得到了越来越广泛的应用。
    The technique of horizontal well has become popular as a mean to provide larger contact with the reservoir to enhance well productivity and overcome problems associated with gas or water coning.

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