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 气道阻力 添加此单词到默认生词本
[生理] airway resistance
[生理] air way resistance

  1. 目的:探讨吸烟对鼻气道阻力( NAR )的影响。
    Objective:To discuss the influence of smoking on nasal airway resistance ( NAR ).
  2. 两组气道阻力和肺过度膨胀系数均无明显变化。
    There were no differences in the airway resistance and lung inflation index between two groups.
  3. 结论COPD患者肺移植术后肺通气、气道阻力、残气、弥散、运动耐力及气体交换功能均明显改善。
    Conclusion Spirometry, airway resistance, residual capacity, diffusion capacity, exercise tolerance and gas exchange were improved remarkably after lung transplantation in COPD patients.

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