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 气锚 [qì máo添加此单词到默认生词本
[油气] gas anchor

  1. 本文介绍了螺旋气锚的结构形式、工作原理及分离系数的计算公式,论述了影响分离系数的各种因素。
    This report is intended to introduce the structure and working principle of spiral gas anchor and explain the calculation formulae for separation coefficient.
  2. 现场28口井的应用表明,新型迷宫式气锚分离效果理想,能有效地提高泵效,平均泵效由原来的28.9%提高到43.8%。
    Field operation shows that, by using the new labyrinth gas anchor, good oil-gas separation effect is achieved, and the mean pump efficiency is raised from 28. 9% to 43. 8%.
  3. 多杯等流型气锚液分离的效果上明显优于普通的气锚,采用该气锚对脱效率会有较大提高。
    The multi-cup uniform flux gas anchor is obviously better than ordinary gas anchor on effects of separating gas from fluid, the degassing efficiency will be greatly improved by the kind of gas anchor.

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