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 气逆 [qì nì添加此单词到默认生词本
circulation of vital energy in the wrong direction

  1. 气逆辐射在东北冷区最明显, 在黄土高原区最弱;地表长波辐射在西北干旱区最强而在东北冷区最弱。
    The downward long-wave radiation is strongest in the cold region and weakest in the Loess Plateau while the upward long-wave radiation is obvious in the arid region and weak in the cold region.
  2. 土壤逆湿的形成与土壤温度状态、大气逆湿强度和大气稳定度都有关。
    The formation of soil moisture inversion is related with the state of soil temperature and moisture, the intensity of atmospheric humidity inversion, and the atmospheric thermodynamic stability.

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