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 气贯长虹 [qì guàn cháng hóng添加此单词到默认生词本
imbued with supreme heroism
have a spirit as lofty as the rainbow spanning the sky
full of noble aspiration and daring
imbued with a spirit as lofty as the rainbow spanning the sky

  1. 中华民族,是气贯长虹的大鹏展翅。
    The Chinese nation, is the Spirit in the Dapeng wings.
  2. 气贯长虹的千里京九铁路,北连京津,南通粤港。
    And the Jingjiu Line like a rainbow connects the north and south.
  3. 七三丰功垂党史,九一浩气贯长虹。我对伍老崇敬之心,总是将他的形象同松树的风格联系在一起。
    The heart that I respect to Wu Laochong, always connect his form together with piny style.

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