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 劳宫 [láo gōng添加此单词到默认生词本
[中医] Laogong (P8)

  1. 是开创“手工坊”、“美室”、 “手创馆”, 以及幼儿园和小学兴趣不可缺少的产品。
    Is to create a "hand-Square", "art and craft room, " "hand-Museum", as well as kindergartens and primary interest in the Palais indispensable products.
  2. 2005年,艾度.迪华特带领港乐演绎李察.史特斯极惹争议的早期作品《莎乐美》及《深情仇》的歌剧音乐会,倾倒香港万千乐迷。
    In 2005, Edo de Waart and the Hong Kong Philharmonic stunned Hong Kong audiences with concert performances of Richard Strauss's scandalous early operas Salome and Elektra .
  3. 是您开创“手工坊”、“美室”、“手创馆”等,以及幼儿园和小学生兴趣不可缺少的系列产品。
    That you create a "hand-Square", "art and craft room, " "hand-Museum", as well as kindergartens and primary and secondary school students interested in the Palais indispensable product line.

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