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 劳工成本 [láo gōng chéng běn添加此单词到默认生词本
labour cost

  1. 因为没有破产的痛苦来强迫它改革,所以现在它的劳工成本和养老金责任是最高的。
    Without the pain of bankruptcy to force change, it is left with the highest labour costs and pension obligations.
  2. 德国和荷兰削减了劳工成本,推行足够多的改革措施使得他们的经济更富有竞争力。
    Germany and the Netherlands have cut labour costs and introduced enough reforms to make their economies more competitive.
  3. 因为新鲜程度是高品质食物的关键,在食品加工公司的工作不能简单得转移到劳工成本最便宜的地方。
    Because freshness is vital to high-quality food, jobs at food-processing firms cannot easily be shifted to wherever labour costs are lowest.

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