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 劳改所 [láo gǎi suǒ添加此单词到默认生词本
labor camp

  1. 取消劳改所,最终结束这种虐待。
    abolish labor camps before it can end such abuses.
  2. 两位就住房问题申请抗议的老人被判到劳改所,接受劳动再教育。
    Two elderly women who applied to protest about a land dispute were sentenced to a labor and re-education prison camp.
  3. 有些失去了工作或者被送往劳改所进行改造,还有些被列入邻里监督名单,受到严密监视。
    Some lost their jobs or were sent to labor camps while others were put on neighborhood watch lists to be supervised closely.

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