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 劳斯方程 [láo sī fāng chéng添加此单词到默认生词本
[力] Routh equation

  1. 劳斯判据:当且仅当劳斯表第一行元素有相同的符号时,特征方程的根具有负实部。
    The Routh Criterion: All the roots of the characteristic equation have negative real parts if and only if the elements of the first column of the Routh table have the same sign.
  2. 劳斯判据:当且仅当劳斯表第一行元素有相同的符号时,特征方程的根具备负实部。
    The Routh Criterion: All the roots of the characteristic equation have negative real parts if and only if the elements of the first column of the Routh table have the same sign.
  3. 是德国的物理学家,1856年,他提炼了自己的思考,把物质的运动与热量以及失序的关系用数学方程式写出来。
    He was German physicist and in 1856 he refined the thinking on how matter behaves as relates to heat and disorder down to a mathematical formula.

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