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 劳资法庭 添加此单词到默认生词本
industrial tribunal
industrial court

  1. 但最近的几个案例支持牧师入禀世俗劳资法庭的权利。
    But several recent cases have upheld the rights of clergy to appeal to secular employment tribunals.
  2. 尽管名为“裁判所”,但劳资法庭看来具备了一切法院的特征。
    Although called tribunals, the Industrial tribunals appear to have all the characteristics of a court.
  3. 可以说他粗暴对待员工,也可以认为这是员工求助于法庭劳资法庭的原因,但是我习惯把“欺负”这个词和小孩子的打打闹闹联系在一起。
    Call it abusive treatment or possible cause for recourse to a court or an industrial tribunal, but bullying is a horrible practice I only associate with children.

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