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 势函数 [shì hán shù添加此单词到默认生词本
[物] potential function

  1. 由该随机微分方程的定态解,给出了加热势函数和概率密度函数
    The steady - state solution of the random differential equation yields a heating potential function and probability density function.
  2. 对入口气流微团建立自由涡方程和涡环量方程,并推导出势函数方程和流函数方程。
    With vortex model and circulation for free vortex of entrance flow solved, potential equation and stream function equation were derived.
  3. 本文是应用保角变换方法和势函数理论推导出底水驱油藏水平井产能公式、比采油指数公式。
    In this paper, the conformal transforms and potential function theory are applied to derive productivity, specific productivity index of a horizontal well.

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