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 势流 [shì liú添加此单词到默认生词本
[流] potential flow
potential motion of a fluid

  1. 采用非定常势流理论对鱼类的尾鳍摆动推进功能进行了一系列的分析。
    Based on the unsteady incompressible potential flow theory, the swimming performance of the caudal fin is further studied.
  2. 网络将这个互联网亿万富翁们参加的封闭式聚会变成了一股知识的势流
    And it's turned TED from being where the dotcom billionaires would come for this very elite and completely closed party and into this amazing force for knowledge.
  3. 通过求解势流方程,获得了一个包含三阶非线性项、外激励及表面张力影响的非线性振幅方程。
    A nonlinear slowly varying amplitude equation, which incorporates cubic nonlinear term, external excitation and the influence of surface tension, was derived from potential flow equation.

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