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 势力范围 [shì li fàn wéi添加此单词到默认生词本
sphere of influence

  1. 它最近直接踏入美国的势力范围,在菲律宾开展庞大的项目,包括导水管和重要的公路。
    It recently stepped directly into America's sphere of influence with giant projects in the Philippines, including an aqueduct and major highways.
  2. 与此同时,中国在周边海域日益进取的领土要求,吓坏了那些在历史上曾处于其势力范围之内的国家。
    At the same time, China's increasingly aggressive territorial claims in surrounding seas have spooked countries that lie within its historic sphere of influence.
  3. 而随后中国新型医务船在被派遣到非洲和亚洲的行动中大获成功,将中国海军投送至远超出传统势力范围的区域。
    The subsequent dispatch of China’s new hospital ship to Africa and Asia was a success, projecting the PLAN well beyond China’s traditional sphere of influence.

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