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 劳工部长 [láo gōng bù cháng添加此单词到默认生词本
Minister of Labor

  1. 中国欢迎法国经济、财政与劳工部长访问中国。
    China welcomes visit from France's Minister for Economy, Finance, and Employment.
  2. 2000劳工部长赵小兰成为第一位被委任为政府内阁的美藉华人。
    Elaine L. Chao,appointed by the Bush government as the Secretary of Labor,becomes the first Chinese American cabinet member.
  3. 另两位内阁成员,环境部长与健康福利和劳工部长,将要在周一到靖国朝圣。
    Two cabinet ministers Yuriko Koike, the environment minister, and Hidehisa Otsuji, the health, welfare and labour minister will make the pilgrimage to Yasukuni on Monday.

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