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 劳师动众 [láo shī dòng zhòng添加此单词到默认生词本
mobilize too many troops
belabour the people
drag in lots of people

  1. 为了上述几个狭隘的目标,实在不用劳师动众派出十二个美国内阁成员和相关机构首脑横渡太平洋。
    These narrow goals would hardly seem to merit flying more than a dozen U.S. cabinet members and agency heads crossing the Pacific.
  2. 培养好一个小孩或许需要劳师动众,但帮助女性改变她们的生活并发挥她们难得的潜在力只需要一个小小的团体。
    It might take a village to raise a child, but it certainly takes a small community of life mentors to help women transform and reach their full God-given potential in life.
  3. 培养(Culture)好一个小孩或许必须劳师动众,但帮助女性改变她们的生活并发挥她们难得的潜在力只是必须一个小小的团体。
    It might take a village to raise a child, but it certainly takes a small community of life mentors to help women transform and reach their full God-given potential in life.

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