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 劳动需求 添加此单词到默认生词本
[劳经] demand for labour
[劳经] demand for labor

  1. 降低工资就能减少劳动供给,增加劳动需求,解决劳力过剩问题。
    Bring wages down and you reduce labor supply, increase labor demand, and get rid of the labor surplus.
  2. 包含的主题有劳动供给、劳动需求劳动均衡、工资差异、人力资本投资、劳动力迁徙、劳动市场契约与工作动机。
    Topics are discussed such as labor supply, labor demand, labor market equilibrium , wage differential, human capital and investment, labor mobility, and labor market contracts and work incentives.
  3. 劳动供给源于家庭的效用最大化,劳动需求源于企业的利润最大化。
    Labor supply is derived from a household's utility maximizing behavior, while labor demand from a firm's profit maximizing behavior.

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