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 劳动耗费 添加此单词到默认生词本
labor expenditure (on products)
labor expended (on products)
expenditure of human labor-power
(different modes of expending human labor-power

  1. 对商品估价,要综合考虑商品的劳动耗费和使用价值。
    In assessing a commodity, it is necessary to take account of both expenditure of labor and use value.
  2. 用这份证书,他们可以领取与他所耗费劳动量相当的消费资料;但这证书并不是货币,因为它不能用以积累。
    Using their certificates, they can take means of consumption which used up the same amount of labor; this is not money because it cannot be accumulated.
  3. 一个国家劳动力所必须耗费的用以赚钱满足温饱的时间越少,这个社会能用来投入危机(比如这次地震)的资源就越多。
    The less of its time your workforce must spend just earning enough to feed itself, the more resources your society can throw into crises like this.

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