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 初始应力 [chū shǐ yìng lì添加此单词到默认生词本
primary stress
initial stress
natural stress

  1. 结合工程实际深入研究了工程区域的初始应力场。
    The in-situ stress field of engineering ranges is studied in detail with actual project.
  2. 由实测地应力资料反演初始应力场的力法很多,且各有优势。
    According to the measured geostress data, there are many methods of calculating initial geostress field with different advantages.
  3. 从实验上和理论上研究了含裂纹试样在给定的初始应力强度因子下裂纹尺寸和寿命的关系。
    Relationship between crack size and lifetime for cracked specimen under a given initial stress intensity was investigated theoretically and experimentally.

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