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 初始模型 添加此单词到默认生词本
[计][统计] initial model

  1. 提出产品变更概念并设计初始模型
    Product change concept development and prototype design.
  2. 建立了包装价值系统初始模型,为下一步对包装价值的动态研究打下基础。
    The initial packaging value system model was established, which set a foundation of dynamic study on packaging value.
  3. 基于现代典型翻边模产品智能化设计的理念,系统采用参数化技术,实现汽车翻边件初始模型特征的提取。
    The system uses intelligential design principle on the base of the modern typical flanging die production and parameter technique in order to realize original model of automobile flanging hardware.

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