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 初始电位 添加此单词到默认生词本
[电] initial potential

  1. 计算了过电位的消失过程,并讨论了它与初始浓度分布的关系。
    The decay of the over potential is calculated, and the relation with the initial distribution of the concentration is discussed.
  2. 算法的学习阶段使用初始的一小段EMG记录以估计不同运动单位的动作电位模板。
    A learning stage was first applied at the beginning of recording to estimate typical spike shapes of different motor units (MUs).
  3. 通过动电位极化和恒电位极化实验证实了该电极具有良好的电化学性能,能提供较大的初始电流和稳态电流。
    It was proved that the PANI powder electrode had good electrochemical properties and could provide initial current and steady current by potentiodynamic polarization and potentiostat polarization.

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