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 初始电压 添加此单词到默认生词本
[电] initial voltage

  1. 利用阶跃函数表示响应的时间段给出了具有初始电压电容的戴维南等效电路。
    Thewenin s equivalent circuit of capacitor with initial voltage is given through step function representation.
  2. 当基准(器件)经历一个温度变化且返回初始温度,它们并非总能获得与初始电压相同的电压
    When references experience a temperature change and return to the initial temperature, they do not always have the same initial OUTPUT voltage.
  3. 在微弧氧化工艺参数研究部分,重点考察了初始电压、电流密度及氧化时间对膜层生长的影响。
    In the part of research of the technic parameter, the effect of initialization voltage, current density and oxidation time on the growth of MAO ceramic film is discussed.

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