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 初始曲线 添加此单词到默认生词本
initial curve

  1. 终止项不依赖于图像的梯度,初始曲线可以在图像的任何地方。
    The stop term does not depend on the gradient of the image and the initial curves can be anywhere in the image.
  2. 并通过大量的实验表明由这两种方法构造的初始曲线,经过场函数迭代,都可以得到满意的重建效果。
    And it indicates the initial curve from two kinds of methods with massive experiments, we may obtain satisfaction reconstruction effect after function iteration.
  3. 本文用空间解析几何方法,推导了在一般非平行斜入射光条件下,裂纹体表面所形成的反射焦散线和初始曲线的方程。
    The equations of caustic curve and its initial curve for a crack illuminated by an oblique incident light beam in reflection arrangement were deduced using the space analytic geometry method.

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