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 初始时期 添加此单词到默认生词本
[统计] initial period

  1. 这个多重利益方的方法来自互联网的初始时期
    The multi-stakeholder approach dates from the beginnings of the internet.
  2. 是一些可收回债券的特征,即这些债券在一个特定的初始时期内不要求被赎回,多为两或三年。
    A characteristic of some callable bonds in which the bonds may not be called for a specified initial period, usually two to three years.
  3. 系统养熟了,就更加自立,自我稳定,不再像初始时期那样需要人为的扶持。
    Once the system has popped , it is more self-sustaining, self-stabilizing, not requiring the artificial crutches that set-up needed.

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