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 unfashionable [,ʌn'fæʃәnәbl]   添加此单词到默认生词本
a. 不流行的, 不时髦的, 过时的

    [ adj ]
    not in accord with or not following current fashion
    unfashionable clothesmelodrama of a now unfashionable kind

    1. WHEN IT comes to bedlinen I take the unfashionable view that it is hard to beat white.
    2. Mr. Saunders described his home there as "a studio apartment in an unfashionable village" near Lausanne, where he had worked for Nestle S.A. before joining Guinness.
    3. I, for one, am very fond of Bols's drummerboy in Rotterdam, and Aart Van de Gelder's glowing paintings of Esther. Van de Gelder - sadly not in the exhibition - was the only pupil who stuck to a Rembrandtesque style once it became unfashionable.
    4. Yet MAI is a people-based service business of the type which has been deeply unfashionable with investors in recent years.
    5. Already, the Centers for Disease Control last week reported that the adult smoking rate has dipped to a new low of 26.5%, and to many Americans the habit is not only unhealthy but unfashionable.
    6. That's the $15,000 bargain who ran his early races in unfashionable Puerto Rico before showing he also could win on the mainland, most lately in the Santa Anita Derby.
    7. The paper's spartan office, which it rents in an unfashionable suburb of Milan, contrasts with the grandiose downtown headquarters of Corriere della Sera, the daily where Mr. Levi was economics editor until leaving four years ago.
    8. But he has a quiet sense of humour and he's interested in people.' Like Mr John Major, the man who chose him for the new job at the pinnacle of the British establishment, the 54-year-old Mr George grew up in unfashionable south-west London suburbia.
    9. Their goal is to make the buying and wearing of ivory as politically unfashionable as eating California grapes during the United Farmworkers boycott of the 1960s and 1970s.
    10. You never speak to the same person twice,' he says. Such praise for branches is unfashionable as banks try to reduce the costs of their networks.
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