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 unfavorably   添加此单词到默认生词本

    [ adv ]
    showing disapproval; in a disparaging way
    he reviewed the play unfavorably

    Unfavorable \Un*fa"vor*a*ble\, a.
    Not favorable; not propitious; adverse; contrary;
    discouraging. -- {Un*fa"vor*a*ble*ness}, n. --
    {Un*fa"vor*a*bly}, adv.

    1. Investors nonetheless reacted unfavorably.
    2. "As for the letter, we're evaluating our options," he said. "And at the moment, we have nothing more to say about it." Both the market and some analysts reacted unfavorably.
    3. Large shares of Dukakis voters in both states viewed Jackson unfavorably, and only 60 percent of Dukakis' own supporters said they would back him with Jackson on the ticket, the CBS-Times polls said.
    4. Among other continuing problems for Bush, the NBC-Journal poll found that the number of respondents rating him unfavorably remained stubbornly high, while Dukakis did far better on the favorable-unfavorable scale.
    5. In the CBS-Times poll 59 percent of them viewed Jackson unfavorably, and in the ABC-Post poll only 24 percent of Dukakis voters said they would support Jackson as the nominee against Bush.
    6. Quayle said he is not worried about being compared unfavorably with Bentsen.
    7. In one test, rodents given linopirine remembered the shocks more often than those given THA, a Warner-Lambert drug that was unfavorably reviewed by regulators recently.
    8. The American educational system has been compared unfavorably with those of Japan, Germany and other highly productive countries.
    9. Dukakis was viewed favorably by 70 percent of Democrats and unfavorably by 10 percent.
    10. Charles Jude, Mr. Nureyev's partner, danced with a youthful resilience that reflected unfavorably on the latter's growing infirmity.
    11. But in composite trading on the New York Stock Exchange yesterday, Interco's shares fell $1.125 to close at $69.25, indicating that investors viewed the plan unfavorably.
    12. On Israel, 44 percent rated the country favorably and 45 percent unfavorably.
    13. "The Federal Reserve may look unfavorably upon the acquisition by NCNB of another bank given the fact that they recently received federal assistance to acquire First RepublicBank," Rosen said.
    14. In a Newsweek poll conducted in April 1987, 51 percent said their opinion of Jackson was favorable; 41 percent said they viewed him unfavorably.
    15. But, as he did throughout his trip, Shultz devoted most of his comments to comparing Nicaragua unfavorably with the rest of Central America.
    16. Although interviewers rated elderly whites as more physically impaired _ 40.9 percent to 31.2 percent _ blacks rated their own physical health more unfavorably than did whites.
    17. Some 37 percent of North Dakotans view Strinden unfavorably, according to an earlier poll.
    18. By contrast, Mr. Bush is viewed favorably by 51%, unfavorably by 38%.
    19. Assets unfavorably classified by examiners have grown to $8 billion from $4.5 billion when the bank was seized in January, James Barton, deputy director of the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency, told the committee.
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