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 unfavourable   添加此单词到默认生词本
a. 不适宜的, 不适应的, 不顺利的, 不好的, 相反的, 不同意的, 令人不快的

    [ adj ]
    1. not encouraging or approving or pleasing

    2. <adj.all>
      unfavorable conditions
      an unfavorable comparison
      unfavorable comments
      unfavorable impression
    3. (of winds or weather) tending to hinder or oppose

    4. <adj.all>
      unfavorable winds
    5. not favorable

    6. <adj.all>
      made an unfavorable impression
      unfavorable reviews

    1. Companies' expectations remain very unfavourable, it said, because they see no early improvement in demand on their main European markets. Output fell 0.5 per cent in the last quarter of 1992.
    2. We have to recognise the (unfavourable) attitude to the CSO in various parts of the world if we want to deal with them or they want to deal with us.
    3. This tale of woe is accompanied by a statement that the directors believe that these unfavourable trading conditions will continue at least until the end of the current financial year next March. This brings us to the question of the quality of earnings.
    4. The main areas of complaint involved recruitment, pregnancy-related matters and unfavourable terms and conditions of employment. Sexual harassment complaints were up 35 per cent from 317 to 427.
    5. The index measures the balance of companies reporting economic conditions as favourable minus those reporting unfavourable conditions. Companies believe there is little prospect of an early recovery. Small companies are being particularly hard hit.
    6. The off-trade accounts for about 24 per cent of total beer sales, and is gaining about 1 per cent a year from the on-trade. These unfavourable dynamics have left some companies as uncertain holders of brewing or pub assets.
    7. These regions, with their aggressive export strategies, represent a growing threat to French wines. French attempts to battle back will be hampered by the changes in consumer taste, most of which are unfavourable to France.
    8. On a Pounds 45m pre-tax profit forecast the prospective p/e is less than 16 on the unfavourable basic earnings figures.
    9. Judging by the prompt and unfavourable reaction of the New China News Agency, the discussion will certainly be difficult.
    10. Sentry Farming Group reported reduced losses in its seasonally unfavourable first half to June 30. The USM-quoted group saw the pre-tax deficit cut to Pounds 286,000 from Pounds 361,000 last time.
    11. In a more unfavourable environment, it was not.
    12. His ambition is tempered by realism. The backdrop to his new job as the European commissioner responsible for external political relations could hardly be more unfavourable.
    13. If Japanese industry is lumbered with an unfavourable exchange rate and deprived of a fiscal package, the outlook for growth would be bleak.
    14. The unfavourable exchange rate meant companies could no longer use the traditional escape route of exports and those committed to contracts took a beating.
    15. 'We've had a very unfavourable environment with high interest rates and a tight monetary policy.
    16. Which fact is, of course, wholly meaningless unless we are also told about the country's road safety record. Instead, we were left to deduce unfavourable conclusions about the lives of the poor rich folk of that tiny nation.
    17. Market watchers said the move was related to the revised ACT rules announced in the Budget earlier this month. A 22 per cent profits fall and unfavourable analysts' meeting sent shares in APV, the food manufacturing equipment maker, tumbling.
    18. The worry is that sometimes even good management cannot escape an unfavourable market position.
    19. Net premiums rose 27 per cent to SFr20.7bn. The underwriting loss in non-life business soared by 43 per cent to SFr1.12bn, reflecting the impact of Hurricane Andrew and a generally 'unfavourable experience' in the insurance business.
    20. The management companies tired of overturning unfavourable Inland Revenue rulings, case by case, on appeal.
    21. The public services remain almost 70 per cent unionised in spite of the unfavourable climate for unions in the 1980s.
    22. It started the day at DM2.605 after a spate of unfavourable stories about the weakness of the government prompted selling in Asia.
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