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 unfavorable [,ʌn'feivәrәbl]   添加此单词到默认生词本
a. 不宜的, 不顺利的, 反对的

[法] 不利的, 有害的, 不吉祥的

    [ adj ]
    1. not encouraging or approving or pleasing

    2. <adj.all>
      unfavorable conditions
      an unfavorable comparison
      unfavorable comments
      unfavorable impression
    3. (of winds or weather) tending to hinder or oppose

    4. <adj.all>
      unfavorable winds
    5. not favorable

    6. <adj.all>
      made an unfavorable impression
      unfavorable reviews

    Unfavorable \Un*fa"vor*a*ble\, a.
    Not favorable; not propitious; adverse; contrary;
    discouraging. -- {Un*fa"vor*a*ble*ness}, n. --
    {Un*fa"vor*a*bly}, adv.

    1. They criticized Mongolia's economic relations with the Soviet Union, alleging that Premier Dumaagiyn Sodnom, who just concluded a six-day visit to Japan, is responsible for unfavorable economic agreements with the Soviet Union.
    2. But the outlook remains bleak for the next several months, the analysts said, because rising unit labor costs will exacerbate the already unfavorable position most U.S. manufacturers find themselves in in world markets.
    3. It also said Dukakis' favorable-unfavorable rating had moved slightly, from 59-23 last week to 56-24. Bush's unfavorable rating remained higher but improved a bit, from 41 percent to 36 percent.
    4. Irish Distillers, Ireland's largest distiller of whiskey, has rejected the bid, which has drawn unfavorable responses from several other parties since it was announced May 30.
    5. Even as the summer's blockbusters smash box-office records, a majority in a Media General-Associated Press poll gave unfavorable reviews to most new films.
    6. Kennedy, in a case from Ohio, upheld the right of hospitals to contest unfavorable rules to a governmental agency called the Provider Reimbursement Review Board.
    7. The university scientists are free to publish their results, even if they are unfavorable for oat bran.
    8. But most have a negative view of Mr. Hart, with 53% saying they have an unfavorable opinion of him and 35% saying they have a positive opinion.
    9. While the company maintains its innocence, some analysts said the unfavorable publicity may have added urgency to promoting an American to a top job as an image-building move.
    10. Mr. Haber blames unfavorable press articles.
    11. Even if Heflin voted against Lucas, the nomination could still go to the floor without a recommendation or even with an unfavorable one, although that could make it even harder for Lucas to win confirmation in the Democratic-controlled Senate.
    12. He said IBM's revenue and profit overseas, where the company does more than half its business, increased markedly last year, but the impact to the bottom line was masked by an unfavorable dollar exchange rate.
    13. The majority-white school board, citing an unfavorable job evaluation, voted Dec. 21 not to renew Roussell's contract when it expires June 30. The five blacks on the 11-member board then resigned in protest.
    14. The company's decision to forgo the debt offering, attributed to unfavorable conditions in the high-yield market, represented the first time since that market plunged last month that an issue had been withdrawn.
    15. In January, 50% gave him such unfavorable marks.
    16. The poll, a survey of 400 Massachusetts voters conducted last week by telephone, found Dukakis' unfavorable rating has more than doubled, to 36 percent from 17 percent, since January 1987.
    17. But CIR had previously said it would appeal an unfavorable ruling to the Court of Cassation, Italy's highest appeals court.
    18. He blasted it as "stereotypical, unfavorable and harmful in the treatment of African-Americans." Joel Ferguson, a black Lansing businessman who was Michigan campaign manager for Jesse Jackson's 1988 presidential campaign, disagreed.
    19. Such a sale would allow Iraqi oil men back into the market, even if on unfavorable terms.
    20. Many economists see signs that these unfavorable trends are being reversed.
    21. In a statement, Saatchi said it agreed to the unfavorable deal because it couldn't find an outside buyer and because Peterson senior management's contracts expire at the end of this year.
    22. Analysts noted traders' increasing reluctance to take profits on small gains, after previously regarding 1620 on the DAX as a sell level because of risks associated with the likelihood of unfavorable news from eastern Germany this summer.
    23. With what proved to be prophetic understatement, Value Line observed, "Trying to time market turns is a tricky business and can easily produce unfavorable results if one guesses wrong."
    24. Martin Marietta on Wednesday delayed the maiden commercial launch of its Titan 3 rocket until Dec. 27 because of a forecast calling for several days of unfavorable weather.
    25. In Germany, Volkswagen AG said the "unfavorable economic situation" for the auto company it owns in Brazil and Argentina with Ford Motor Co. partly explains why it expects to post a flat profit for 1990.
    26. Twenty-eight percent of respondents in the new poll expressed a favorable view of Dukakis, down from 38 percent in May. Twenty-one percent expressed an unfavorable view, up from 14 percent.
    27. Even Irving's erstwhile savior, Banca Commerciale Italiana S.p.A., offered only $84 a share for 51% of the bank, before stepping out as a result of an unfavorable ruling by the Federal Reserve Board.
    28. LIN rejected that offer as inadequate and McCaw subsequently reduced it to $110 a share, citing an unfavorable court ruling relating to LIN's interest in some cellular telephone operations it jointly owns with Metromedia Inc.
    29. The company performed poorly in 1985, analysts said, primarily because of costs associated with several new plants and unfavorable currency translations.
    30. Among U.S. college students, about half of those who have heard of the "New Age movement" have an unfavorable view of it, and only 14 percent favorable.
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