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 unfathomable [,ʌn'fæðәmәbl]   添加此单词到默认生词本
a. 莫测高深的, 深不可测的, 无底的

    [ adj ]
    1. of depth; not capable of being sounded or measured

    2. <adj.all>
    3. resembling an abyss in depth; so deep as to be unmeasurable

    4. <adj.all>
      the abyssal depths of the ocean
    5. impossible to come to understand

    6. <adj.all>

    1. 'Their minds are unfathomable,' he said.
    2. It would make more sense if the Sunday Times did the same with the Queen as it has done with Michael Ashcroft and Peter de Savary and dumped her from the list to save future embarrassment. Estimates of her wealth as just as unfathomable.
    3. Interviews by Associated Press reporters in the 16 states holding Republican primaries or caucuses on March 8 underscore that the former television evangelist is a wild card, his strength unfathomable but clearly formidable.
    4. Ktesilaos and Theano gaze at each other with unfathomable gestures, although the temptation is to read it as an image of devoted married love. Meanwhile, scholars continue to wrangle over what exactly was the nature of Greek pederasty.
    5. For some children he's approached, the delay seems unfathomable.
    6. "Financial reform will have an unfathomable impact on the system of agricultural cooperatives, shaking it from the very bottom," warns Yoshiyuki Onodera, a senior researcher at the National Institute of Agricultural Economics.
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