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 predict [pri'dikt]   添加此单词到默认生词本
vt. 预知, 预言, 预报

vi. 预知, 预言, 预报


    Predict \Pre*dict"\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Predicted}; p. pr. &
    vb. n. {Predicting}.] [L. praedictus, p. p. of praedicere to
    predict; prae before + dicere to say, tell. See {Diction},
    and cf. {Preach}.]
    To tell or declare beforehand; to foretell; to prophesy; to
    presage; as, to predict misfortune; to predict the return of
    a comet.

    Syn: To foretell; prophesy; prognosticate; presage; forebode;
    foreshow; bode.

    Predict \Pre*dict"\, n.
    A prediction. [Obs.] --Shak.

    1. He declined to predict when Digital would produce a workstation based on that product.
    2. The Reagan administration's latest stated estimate of the budget deficit for all of the current fiscal year is $146.74 billion, but many private analysts predict a gap in the $160 billion to $175 billion range.
    3. Some economists predict more increases this year.
    4. Some analysts predict a minority government in the next election, with the New Democrats holding the balance of power.
    5. Both economists, along with many others, predict that capital spending may remain fairly sluggish in the months ahead, partly because of the tax-law changes.
    6. Prices have never swung as wildly as the new limits would allow them to swing, and exchange officials emphasized they are not trying to predict the size of the swings that would be possible during a sudden oil emergency.
    7. More political attacks on state welfare systems may be just around the corner, public policy observers predict, if the economy worsens and state budget-cutters become more desperate.
    8. That led futures traders to predict that Brazil would produce more soybeans for export, thereby boosting world supplies and lowering cash and futures market prices.
    9. And analysts predict that the current troubles will speed up deregulation and a shakeout and will widen disparities in the Japanese banks' size and profitability.
    10. "This is one of those events our operators are trained to deal with on simulators," he said. "This was a textbook example of how to react." Mullen said it was too soon to predict the cost of repairs, which could take weeks.
    11. Currencies will remain a hot play, traders and analysts predict.
    12. He declined to predict annual savings.
    13. While Greenwood says many use the market here like a casino, he and other analysts predict that more serious long-term investors will make big gains on the Securities Exchange of Thailand over the next few years.
    14. Most forecasters predict steady though only slow improvement in the economy over the next six months.
    15. Furthermore, they predict, as the ripple effects of a crash move through the economy, the government will have neither the ability nor the courage to prevent the country from slipping into a period of depression or unprecedented inflation.
    16. This is slightly less than many City forecasts which predict a figure of about Pounds 30bn.
    17. South Korea's trade surplus widened in March and the first quarter, but the government continued to predict a decline in the surplus for the full year.
    18. Both Democratic and Republican leaders predict overwhelming ratification when the treaty reaches the Senate floor and say only 10 or 12 members of the 100-member Senate are likely to vote to reject it.
    19. Polls predict that Gen.
    20. Others predict that rates will fall only one more quarter of a percentage point.
    21. Several people familiar with the industry predict that, with the lawsuit behind them, both MasterCard and Visa will move quickly to introduce their own versions of the national card.
    22. Pollsters predict people who go to the polls this year are likely to be in a gloomy and downright ugly mood.
    23. Nonetheless, many analysts suspect that the Bank of England has an upper limit in mind and predict that the market will force the issue by trying to push sterling still higher.
    24. "We knew this was going to re-enter, but exactly where was hard to predict, as far as the exact time and location," he said.
    25. In coastal areas, cyclones cause more damage, but they are much harder to predict and are considered virtually impossible to control.
    26. While individual disease claims tend to be relatively low, liability is spread over many years, making it difficult for insurers to predict future claims.
    27. Mr. Fisher cautioned, however, that there are "uncertainties of the current economic climate which makes it difficult to predict with any degree of confidence what the consumer's attitude will be."
    28. But after a $82.1 million net loss last year, analysts predict that MCorp's loan problems are continuing to swell and further losses are expected this year.
    29. Many legislators predict a reversal of Roe vs. Wade would result in the issue dominating the legislative and electoral processes in many states.
    30. In a few years, developers predict, many of the honky-tonks in the Wanchai waterfront area will be memories, driven away by dwindling business, higher rentals and the popularity of classier nightspots elsewhere in this British colony.
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