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 predictably ['predikəbli]   添加此单词到默认生词本
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  1. Predictably, he left his umbrella in the train.
  2. I asked the boss for a rise and his reply was predictably short and sweet!

[ adv ]
in a predictable manner or to a predictable degree
predictably, he did not like the news

  1. Reaction from the tobacco and alcohol industries was predictably negative.
  2. Proponents and critics of the Thomas nomination predictably clashed over the meaning of the ABA's rating.
  3. And, indeed, the Serbs reacted predictably.
  4. Pakistan, predictably, has made no move to extradite Mr. Abedi.
  5. The cops are, predictably, a veteran and a rookie, just as they were on "Adam-12." Robert Duvall has the Martin Milner part, the senior guy with the I've-seen-it-all-and-then-some pose.
  6. As if this were not enough, BZW and County NatWest weighed in with further summaries of the gloomy outlook. In a predictably weak building materials sector, Blue Circle dropped 10 to 181p, Marley 7 to 78p, RMC 11 to 479p and Redland 14 to 445p.
  7. The accord in effect accepts a continuing Syrian military presence in Lebanon, and, predictably enough, the Israeli army in turn has now used Syria's military presence to justify its own presence in the south.
  8. Bush aides, predictably, dismissed the selection.
  9. Congress' work on the 1990 budget proved predictably uncontentious because the plan merely ratified a deficit-reduction deal shaped last month between President Bush and congressional leaders.
  10. He described how the highly leveraged and specialized Nucorp could easily, indeed predictably, collapse if the price of oil fell.
  11. The crowds react just as predictably, applauding at appropriate points.
  12. Mr. Greenspan's position is that "I've always been supportive of lowering the capital-gains tax or preferably eliminating it." Rather predictably, House Speaker Tom Foley yesterday said the idea is dead on arrival.
  13. Opt-out reforms threaten to make local bureaucrats obsolete, and opposition from those quarters has been predictably vitriolic.
  14. The country has predictably rallied around our troops now that hostilities have begun.
  15. The result was predictably rapid.
  16. But a 1986 law that supposedly replaced lawsuits over children's vaccines with a compensation fund has predictably led to even more litigation.
  17. Of all the Allies, the Soviets were predictably the most ruthless.
  18. There was a predictably angry reaction yesterday from some rightwing Tory MPs. Mr David Shaw, chairman of the Conservative back-bench finance committee, said that another round of higher tax increases would be unacceptable to most MPs.
  19. Among the predictably confusing results, one thing stands out.
  20. Network officials predictably disagree and contend that less can be more.
  21. Parts of the Munich audience were predictably outraged by Ruth Berghaus's staging, studded with echoes of the Holocaust.
  22. After hearing of the high court decision Wednesday, death row inmates were predictably glum.
  23. Each department protected its own interests above all else, so new vehicles were developed amid a series of compromises, with predictably mediocre results.
  24. Overseas corporations and their representatives predictably fear that rising public sentiment about foreign competition will lead to wanton bashing of their interests.
  25. The speech was predictably firm on law-and-order issues.
  26. He's right: Coverage was much more timely, but predictably the only Tibetan voices in Xinhua dispatches were those willing to denounce the "sinister aims" of the Dalai Lama's "clique."
  27. It was falling, and predictably, so were stocks.
  28. But Kops' writing shapes her character too obviously. So, predictably, she falls in love with her therapist and fantasises an affair; her childhood was not a forgotten boredom but a horror of parental cruelty.
  29. But he sees little evidence that 'a culture of equality is taking root'. Ulster politicians, predictably, are divided.
  30. Perhaps predictably, he stumbled over the 10-figure number.
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