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 predicted 添加此单词到默认生词本

    Predict \Pre*dict"\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Predicted}; p. pr. &
    vb. n. {Predicting}.] [L. praedictus, p. p. of praedicere to
    predict; prae before + dicere to say, tell. See {Diction},
    and cf. {Preach}.]
    To tell or declare beforehand; to foretell; to prophesy; to
    presage; as, to predict misfortune; to predict the return of
    a comet.

    Syn: To foretell; prophesy; prognosticate; presage; forebode;
    foreshow; bode.

    1. Although many traders had predicted a much more modest gain for the Nikkei Monday, buying by the Big Four firms fueled strong gains in the index, particularly during the last 30 minutes of trading.
    2. As widely predicted, issuance in the real estate mortgage investment conduit sector remained strong.
    3. "You'll see more and more of this," predicted Gail Arch, professor of international management at the University of Houston.
    4. Graber predicted he would have the 100 votes needed for a veto override by the time the attempt comes, probably in May.
    5. Some delegates to the Geneva Conference predicted that 20 years of talks would culminate this year in an international agreement banning the development, production and stockpiling of chemical weapons.
    6. But Mr. McMillin predicted Campbell will face stiff competition from Kellogg, "the star of the waffle business."
    7. Department economists predicted a 24% jump in soybean production to 1.91 billion bushels, slightly higher than estimates made by private analysts.
    8. Just as the October 1987 "meltdown" in the stock market did not produce an economic recession (as we correctly predicted at the time), so the present strength in the stock market does not necessarily mean that the economy will avoid recession.
    9. In late March, for example, when long-term Treasury bond yields stood at around 7.5% and few analysts were expecting significant increases, Mr. Levine boldly predicted rates would surge about three percentage points by year-end.
    10. Richard Loewy, president of AgResource Co., Chicago, said some analysts and speculators had predicted that the early-August dry spell would trim yields sharply below the level actually estimated in the government's September report.
    11. One takeover stock trader predicted yesterday's developments could boost UAL's stock price by $5 a share today.
    12. The results announced Monday came as little surprise to analysts, who predicted a large loss back in November after Lockheed announced it would take a $300 million write-off because of unexpected design changes on a new Navy plane.
    13. Before the Middle East crisis began, many economists had predicted that the current expansion would break that record.
    14. The VA has predicted that usage of the $300 monthly benefit will peak in 1995 and that from then to the turn of the century nearly 250,000 participants will collect about $500 million dollars each year _ or about $1,900 each.
    15. But a critic predicted the pad will never be used because Congress will refuse to pay for the costly military communications and surveillance satellites meant to be launched on Titan 4-Centaurs.
    16. And Rep. Leon Panetta (D., Calif.), a leader of California opponents to offshore leasing, predicted the plan would help unify states of the Pacific, Atlantic and Gulf coasts to "work for a more balanced and comprehensive energy program."
    17. The department described the condition of the Kansas crop as good-to-excellent and predicted a harvest of 460.2 million bushels, a remarkable rebound from 213.6 million last year.
    18. They accurately predicted to the White House what Saddam Hussein's overall strategy would be toward the U.S. and its allies, including the launching of Scud missiles at Israel and Saudi Arabia, and the destruction of Kuwaiti oil wells.
    19. This year, it predicted that it would be warmer and wetter than normal in the Greater Ohio Valley.
    20. Bob Djurdjevic, president of Annex Research Inc. in Phoenix, predicted IBM might announce plans to eliminate about 20,000 jobs, paying for the streamlining program with a charge of perhaps more than $1 billion against fourth-quarter earnings.
    21. "However, a hard core of high protection has remained," said the survey, which also criticized other parts of Japanese trade policy and predicted rising pressure from Third World exports.
    22. Mr. Geran of E.F. Hutton predicted that despite a "tough environment," the company will continue to be profitable.
    23. In Johannesburg, de Klerk predicted substantial changes in South Africa's relations with the rest of the world.
    24. Frank Lorenzo, chairman of Eastern's owner, Texas Air Corp., has predicted a widespread job action by the 3,500 union pilots would drive the airline under.
    25. In Amarillo, Gov. Clements sent depositors running for their money after he predicted that the beleaguered FSLIC insurance fund wouldn't fully back deposits.
    26. Sparks also reportedly predicted 1988 corn plantings at 66.8 million acres compared to last year's 65.7 million.
    27. The EEC Commission, the group's policy-making board, had predicted negative growth following last October's collapse of financial markets.
    28. Dukakis predicted there would be "a floor fight or two" over platform issues, but none that would split the party.
    29. Even with cooperation from educators, he predicted it would take 10 years to achieve the reform aims outlined at the summit.
    30. Several economists attributed the jump partly to recent declines in interest rates and predicted that single-family starts would show moderate growth in coming months.
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