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 predictable [pri'diktәbl]   添加此单词到默认生词本
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    [ adj ]
    capable of being foretold

    Predictable \Pre*dict"a*ble\, a.
    That may be predicted.

    1. "Heinz has been such a reliable, predictable company," she said.
    2. Despite huge profits which I could have made from investing in emerging markets such as Indonesia, Pakistan and Malaysia, I ignored them completely in 1993 in favour of rather more predictable fare.
    3. In one sense her conclusion is predictable: Mata Hari was a victim, and moreover a victim of predictable kinds of male fears and attitudes.
    4. In one sense her conclusion is predictable: Mata Hari was a victim, and moreover a victim of predictable kinds of male fears and attitudes.
    5. We then buy the most growth at the least cost, looking for predictable earnings and international exposure." Investors interested in unearthing other good down-market performers won't find it easy.
    6. The government would need a better articulated and more predictable policy.
    7. This "Closeup" documentary tells the predictable tale of empty institutions and hard, bitter streets; of families who abandon their sick, and families who fruitlessly try to help them.
    8. The payments are predictable, and equity builds up steadily.
    9. They have limited the personal sector's ability to consume and heavily regulated the financial sector so as to ensure a predictable supply of low-cost capital for industry.
    10. It achieves this with an expert or 'knowledge-based' system programmed to look for particular sets of circumstances. Hackers are predictable, says Lunt.
    11. Hedging is also done in what is called the swaps market. In a swap agreement, an oil user or producer agrees to lock in the price it will pay or receive at a predictable level. This is typically done through a bank or a hedging manager.
    12. Asset indexing would produce more predictable results, though, he adds.
    13. After awhile, the films become predictable and the men begin to nod off in the darkened room as animals die on screen.
    14. Such predictable, relentless selling pressure probably scared away many potential buyers from both stock and futures markets.
    15. "Oil exporters ended the period worse off than they would have been with a far lower, more predictable rate of increase in oil prices or, indeed, with constant real oil prices," Gelb writes.
    16. The Japanese investors "want to put their money in companies that do business in a predictable economic climate," he adds.
    17. As swings in the stock market have become more pronounced and less predictable, investors increasingly are turning to two investment techniques for protection: stop and limit orders.
    18. Mike and Harry Dutchburn shared a life as predictable as January's blizzards and July's blackberries.
    19. Congress approved the plan and the Army placed multiyear contracts for trucks, jeeps and other items with predictable requirements.
    20. Ms. Abbott makes the predictable point that her father groomed her for a "masculine" life free from womenly chores, yet resented her desire to leave home and become truly independent.
    21. They express it also in predictable platitudes: They want foreigners to know how friendly Koreans are, how beautiful Korea's scenery is.
    22. Also, the larger, better-known companies tend to have more predictable earnings, comforting for investors at a time corporate profit growth has been erratic.
    23. I would like to create a new branch in the company that deals with people in a different way than the predictable."
    24. But lackluster interest in foreign golf courses was predictable, says Nitto's Mr. Matsushita.
    25. The predictable lesson being drawn inside the Beltway: Too few ambassadors are career foreign service officers, too many are political appointees.
    26. Pension accounts can cope relatively well with the stock market's swings, while a life insurer needs more predictable income to fund its policy claims.
    27. You would have welcomed his predictable chat over a pint and, more or less, trusted his medical sense. He died of cancer of the bowel, but he was 75 when he went.
    28. All the figures are adjusted for predictable seasonable variations.
    29. From that point, the script was predictable.
    30. Analysts said the bond market's decline was the predictable reaction to news that the rebound from recession is continuing.
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