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 predictability [pri,diktә'biliti]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 可预言

[电] 可预测性

    [ noun ]
    the quality of being predictable

    1. The loss to Mr. King, whom he defeated four years later, was the fulcrum in a life that Sandy Cohen Bakalar, his sweetheart at Brookline High School, says was remarkable for its "predictability and consistency."
    2. This official says Mr. Gorbachev's goal is to gain a detente that "would allow enough stability, security and predictability in foreign relations to allow him to get on with his economic reforms at home, helped by Western credits and technology.
    3. Such changes reduce the regulatory system's predictability and transparency, originally intended to be its virtues.
    4. I should like to develop his thinking in my capacity as a prisoner of the M25 London orbital motorway. As he says we have grown accustomed to the predictability and door-to-door security of auto travel, such as they are.
    5. Manser went native in 1984, leaving the safe streets and clock-work predictability of his native Switzerland to share the perils of life with the Penan of Sarawak, one of the world's last nomadic tribes.
    6. Sen. DeConcini said yesterday on the same program, "The problem is predictability."
    7. But he said he would push ahead with his amendment, asserting that it would provide a standard of accountability for trade agreements as well as predictability in trade relations.
    8. Critics deride the Kroc legacy as a simple-minded corporate cult that tricks consumers into eating junk food by soothing such raw nerves as their desire for service, security and predictability.
    9. Once the technique has proved itself, financial institutions will enable small investors to join in, by launching mathematical mutual funds or unit trusts. The veins of predictability will become harder to exploit, as more people try to mine them.
    10. "Initially, predictability of the consequences of actions related to employment contracts is important to commercial stability," wrote Chief Justice Malcolm Lucas in the majority decision.
    11. Dimson says: 'There is no question of there being high levels of predictability in these rankings.' The star ratings are based on risk-adjusted performance figures.
    12. And as the imagery settled into a certain predictability, so the old shock and impact lessened.
    13. "It takes a level of predictability out of the business," says Prudential Securities' Ms. Bronston.
    14. The Saudi oil minister said his country seeks a stable market to give a reasonable return to producers and predictability for consumers.
    15. With many investors seeking safety and earnings predictability, big stocks may continue to outperform the broad market for months, says Gail Dudack, market analyst at S.G. Warburg Securities.
    16. "Control, predictability of outcome, reductionism, utilitarianism and efficiency.
    17. All the cockpit cameras, pit-lane cameras and helicopter cameras, lovingly replaying every explosion and every crash, cannot disguise the predictability of the racing: Berger following Hill following Schumacher round one track after another.
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