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 hundred ['hʌndrәd]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 百, 百个东西

num. 百, 百个

a. 一百的, 许多的

    [ noun ]
    1. ten 10s

    2. <noun.quantity>
    [ adj ]
    1. being ten more than ninety

    2. <adj.all>

    Hundred \Hun"dred\, a.
    Ten times ten; five score; as, a hundred dollars.

    Hundred \Hun"dred\ (h[u^]n"dr[e^]d), n. [OE. hundred, AS.
    hundred a territorial division; hund hundred + a word akin to
    Goth. ga-ra[thorn]jan to count, L. ratio reckoning, account;
    akin to OS. hunderod, hund, D. hondred, G. hundert, OHG. also
    hunt, Icel. hundra[eth], Dan. hundrede, Sw. hundra, hundrade,
    Goth. hund, Lith. szimtas, Russ. sto, W. cant, Ir. cead, L.
    centum, Gr. "ekato`s, Skr. [,c]ata. [root]309. Cf. {Cent},
    {Century}, {Hecatomb}, {Quintal}, and {Reason}.]
    1. The product of ten multiplied by ten, or the number of ten
    times ten; a collection or sum, consisting of ten times
    ten units or objects; five score. Also, a symbol
    representing one hundred units, as 100 or C.

    With many hundreds treading on his heels. --Shak.

    Note: The word hundred, as well as thousand, million, etc.,
    often takes a plural form. We may say hundreds, or many
    hundreds, meaning individual objects or units, but with
    an ordinal numeral adjective in constructions like five
    hundreds, or eight hundreds, it is usually intended to
    consider each hundred as a separate aggregate; as, ten
    hundreds are one thousand.

    2. A division of a country in England, supposed to have
    originally contained a hundred families, or freemen.

    {Hundred court}, a court held for all the inhabitants of a
    hundred. [Eng.] --Blackstone.

    Barony \Bar"o*ny\, n.; pl. {Baronies}. [OF. baronie, F.
    baronnie, LL. baronia. See {Baron}.]
    1. The fee or domain of a baron; the lordship, dignity, or
    rank of a baron.

    2. In Ireland, a territorial division, corresponding nearly
    to the English {hundred}, and supposed to have been
    originally the district of a native chief. There are 252
    of these baronies. In Scotland, an extensive freehold. It
    may be held by a commoner. --Brande & C.

    1. Eight doctors and specialists from the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, not previously known as a refuge for conservatives, have just reported their findings from an in-depth study of several hundred homeless people in Baltimore.
    2. One hundred percent of its graduates go to college, a majority to Ivy League schools. The football team has a 91 grade average and scored an average of 1,300 on national Scholastic Aptitude Tests; the national average is 903.
    3. Highlighting Bush's pro-defense stance, two aircraft carriers rested at anchor across the harbor as the vice president spoke to a sun-drenched Labor Day audience of several hundred people outside a wholesale fish company.
    4. Several hundred people have been killed and hundreds of thousands forced to flee their homes in more than two years of ethnic attacks and clashes involving civilians and soldiers.
    5. In Citicorp's case, its debt-for-equity swap earlier this year left it with a 20% interest in a pulp mill being built in Nacimiento, a hillside town a few hundred miles south of Santiago, Chile's capital.
    6. Maybe he would announce the release of a few hundred political prisoners during his welcoming address to a plenary session of the congress or while sipping cocktails at a reception for delegates.
    7. East German police used clubs and a water cannon to break up a demonstration Sunday by several hundred human rights activists in downtown Leipzig, witnesses said.
    8. The burgeoning growth of trading in Standard & Poor's 500 stock-index futures at the Merc has at times strained price-reporting methods and the exchange's ability to police all several hundred traders in the S&P 500 pit, according to exchange members.
    9. Security Pacific National Bank will restructure its retail banking efforts in a move that bank insiders said could eliminate several hundred jobs.
    10. Several hundred people are expected Tuesday, mainly to hear the results of a heated judge-executive's race.
    11. Aluminum analyst Stewart R. Spector, author of the Spector Report, predicts Russian exports could fall by "several hundred thousand tons."
    12. While some of Yellowstone's elk have left burning areas, none were running, and many are simply bedding down a hundred yards or so from the flames.
    13. While some old-style European private banks still require a recommendation from existing customers before opening accounts, the only introduction necessary at many of the newcomers is a few hundred thousand dollars.
    14. It is opening habitat that has been closed for a couple of hundred years.
    15. Hannibalsson said the boycott has forced the closure of several fish processing and canning factories, mainly in sparsely populated northern Iceland, and several hundred people have lost their jobs.
    16. Through member contributions, he said he hoped to raise an equity pool "of a few hundred million dollars or more."
    17. Several hundred people gathered on a cliff overlooking the crash site and beneath a sign that read "Enough Terror."
    18. One hundred years after a Naples chef presented the queen of Italy with a patriotic pizza, purists and politicians want to "copyright" the simple recipe for a genuine Neapolitan pie.
    19. After months of stolen hours at the library, lunch breaks spent cramming on legalese,and late-night rehearsals in front of a mirror, Darish represented himself in a case concerning several hundred dollars in unpaid bills at his family's garage.
    20. The attack took place just a few hundred yards from Melmount Church where more than 1,000 Roman Catholic worshipers were just leaving a service celebrating peace and reconciliation.
    21. The rules will affect several hundred brokerage houses, the SEC said, leaving out small firms because capital shifts of less than $500,000 don't have to be reported.
    22. Turnout for rallies and marches to Seoul to join the main march has been low, with no more than a few hundred students participating in most cities.
    23. A few hundred Mauritanians were flown home to Nouakchott after the earlier violence, but many others had been gathered at the Dakar fairgrounds to await repatriation.
    24. A longtime MCA holder says he buys and sells only about 20% of his several hundred thousand MCA shares.
    25. IBM has shed 2,000 UK jobs in the past year and this year's 'few hundred' redundancies have already been announced.
    26. Bush received the endorsement of the 50,000-member National Marine Engineers' Beneficial Association at a rally where four protesters were pulled from the hall and more than a hundred demonstrators paraded outside.
    27. But he adds, "If she would have been on the (winner's) podium, it would have made a difference, realistically, of a couple hundred thousand dollars."
    28. Although price increases of several hundred percent followed, economists hope supplies will improve.
    29. It never attracted crowds of more than several hundred, said the source, who spoke on condition of anonymity.
    30. The official news agency Tass quoted Latvian newspapers reporting several hundred people gathered around Riga's Freedom monument to make a "blasphemous provocation." Nine people were detained for trespassing and disrupting transportation, Tass said.
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