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 Hungarian [hʌŋ'gєәriәn]   添加此单词到默认生词本
a. 匈牙利的, 匈牙利人的, 匈牙利语的

n. 匈牙利人, 匈牙利语

    [ noun ]
    1. a native or inhabitant of Hungary

    2. <noun.person>
    3. the official language of Hungary (also spoken in Rumania); belongs to the Ugric family of languages

    4. <noun.communication>
    [ adj ]
    1. relating to or characteristic of Hungary

    2. <adj.pert>
      Hungarian folk music

    Hungarian \Hun*ga"ri*an\, a.
    Of or pertaining to Hungary or to the people of Hungary. --
    n. A native or one of the people of Hungary.

    {Hungarian grass}. See {Italian millet}, under {Millet}.

    1. Members of the opposition Hungarian Democratic Forum ruled out any coalition with the Communist Party before general elections planned next year.
    2. Hungarian officials fear that the Soviets may stop withdrawing troops until they pay a huge bill Moscow has presented.
    3. Hungarian government spokesman Zsolt Bajnok told reporters "a few days are still required" before the East Germans can be released, but he refuse to be more specific.
    4. But no one here can answer it." In Budapest, a Hungarian official said the transfer of refugees was stalled because of fears over how Hungary's role would be viewed by allied East Germany.
    5. Many people recognize that Imre Pozsgay, a leading reformer in the Hungarian Communist Party, played an important role in dismantling the one-party system in that nation.
    6. Bush also held meetings with Hungarian government leaders and opposition figures.
    7. In declaring a moratorium in May on the Gabcikovo-Nagymaros dam project, the Hungarian government expressed concern about potential enviromental damage.
    8. Kadar, 76, was removed as Hungarian leader last year and replaced by Karoly Grosz, who has allowed more personal freedoms and political reforms.
    9. It said the wife and child were unhurt and were in Hungarian custody, adding that the family failed in an earlier border-crossing attempt.
    10. They now account for a fifth of all Hungarian enterprises and a sixth of total value added. However, their overall performance has been poor, with net profits in the latest year down two-thirds from the previous year, the ECE says.
    11. Classes resumed in all schools, including the Institute of Medicine and Pharmacy, whose ethnic Hungarian students had been on strike the past three weeks, Radio Bucharest reported.
    12. Secretary of State James A. Baker III got an identical momento after he and Bush concluded their morning of talks with the Hungarian leaders at the Parliament building.
    13. The Kennedy Center circulated fliers around town announcing auditions for "macho he-men" to appear this week in Hungarian choreographer Laszlo Seregi's balletic tale of an abortive slave uprising in ancient Rome.
    14. "This is a new page in Hungarian history," Horn told a news conference after he and Soviet Foreign Minister Eduard Shevardnadze signed the troop withdrawal agreement.
    15. Zsofi speaks three languages in addition to Hungarian.
    16. Many street signs in Cluj are still in both Hungarian and Romanian, but in Tirgu Mures, a town that is 50 percent Hungarian 40 miles to the east, the signs are only in Romanian.
    17. Many street signs in Cluj are still in both Hungarian and Romanian, but in Tirgu Mures, a town that is 50 percent Hungarian 40 miles to the east, the signs are only in Romanian.
    18. In both the Suez and Hungarian crises, the United States accompanied its actions, and inaction, with an outpouring of rhetoric drawn from the inexhaustible ideological warehouse of liberalism.
    19. In a separate report, MTI predicted a sharp drop in the number of Hungarian tourists traveling to East Germany because of the monetary union of the two Germanys set for July 1.
    20. MTI, the Hungarian news agency, said some soldiers joined the demonstrators in chanting slogans against Ceausescu.
    21. American and European publishers on Monday opened a weeklong seminar in Budapest designed to train dozens of Hungarian publishers, editors and executives in management, distribution, advertising, promotion and marketing.
    22. The Forum embodies traditional Hungarian populism and draws most of its support from the provinces.
    23. At United Nations headquarters in New York, a Hungarian diplomat said Wednesday that Hungary has appealed for U.N. help to protect the rights of Hungarians in Romania and is pressing for Security Council action to halt ethnic violence in Transylvania.
    24. Hungarian Foreign Ministry State Secretary Ferenc Somogyi said there were major differences standing in the way of an agreement, but he did not rule out an accord in the near future.
    25. Pal Maleter, a 39-year-old Hungarian general, told his wife that his countrymen desperately needed him during their uprising against the Soviets in 1956, and off he went _ on a course that led to his execution.
    26. Following construction, which is due to start this autumn, a Huang & Danczkay subsidiary will operate the two terminals for 12 years and then turn them over to the Hungarian government.
    27. The first democratically elected Hungarian leader to visit the White House in four decades is taking home a packet of Bush administration pledges to help his ailing economy.
    28. GE has moved four of its nine lighting research centres to Tungsram, its Hungarian lightbulb-making subsidiary. Investors, particularly from Japan and the US, have also been attracted by Hungary's location.
    29. But he said that would have made the new party "poorer than the Hungarian Democratic Forum, the largest independent opposition party." Zoltan Biro of the Democratic Forum expressed skepticism about the political changes.
    30. Palmer plans to resign from the State Department and end his diplomatic career following Hungarian general elections in late March, the release said.
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