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 hunger ['hʌŋgə]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 饥饿, 渴望, 饥荒

vt. 使挨饿

vi. 挨饿, 渴望

[医] 饥饿

  1. The student has a hunger for learning.
  2. People in this area were ground down by hunger and poverty.

[ noun ]
  1. a physiological need for food; the consequence of food deprivation

  2. <noun.state>
  3. strong desire for something (not food or drink)

  4. <noun.attribute>
    a thirst for knowledge
    hunger for affection
[ verb ]
  1. feel the need to eat

  2. <verb.perception>
  3. have a craving, appetite, or great desire for

  4. <verb.consumption> crave lust starve thirst
  5. be hungry; go without food

  6. <verb.consumption>
    famish starve
    Let's eat--I'm starving!

Hunger \Hun"ger\, n. [AS. hungor; akin to OFries. hunger, D.
honger, OS. & OHG. hungar, G. hunger, Icel. hungr, Sw. & Dan.
hunger, Goth. h?hrus hunger, huggrjan to hunger.]
1. An uneasy sensation occasioned normally by the want of
food; a craving or desire for food.

Note: The sensation of hunger is usually referred to the
stomach, but is probably dependent on excitation of the
sensory nerves, both of the stomach and intestines, and
perhaps also on indirect impressions from other organs,
more or less exhausted from lack of nutriment.

2. Any strong eager desire.

O sacred hunger of ambitious minds! --Spenser.

For hunger of my gold I die. --Dryden.

Hunger \Hun"ger\, v. i. [imp. & p. p. {Hungered}; p. pr. & vb.
n. {Hungering}.] [OE. hungren, AS. hyngrian. See {Hunger},
1. To feel the craving or uneasiness occasioned by want of
food; to be oppressed by hunger.

2. To have an eager desire; to long.

Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after
righteouness. --Matt. v. 6.

Hunger \Hun"ger\, v. t.
To make hungry; to famish.

  1. Past efforts have been examinations of issues such as hunger and foreign-language education.
  2. Mongolian protesters staged a sit-in in Ulan Bator in support of hunger strikers who fasted through an eighth day to press demands for an interim parliament to be set up before nationwide elections in July.
  3. The hunger strikers initially demanded a dialogue with the government on reform, to be broadcast live, and an apology for an initial official declaration that the student democracy movement was a plot against the party.
  4. By Wednesday, the hunger strike had spread to 16 prisons in the Czech republic and four in the Slovak republic, according to the Justice Ministry and the Communist Party daily Rude Pravo.
  5. Sixteen classmates began a hunger strike they said would last until the government responded to their demands.
  6. Others chanted, "Shame on you, government of hunger." Similar demonstrations took place in Wad Medani, Sudan's second city 110 miles southeast of Khartoum.
  7. Apart from attending benefit concerts like "Live Aid," which sent millions of dollars to starving African nations in 1985, American students seem barely aware of world hunger and where and why it occurs.
  8. Hofmeyer has been on a hunger strike since he was detained by police last week during a protest at a branch of First National Bank, sponsor of an ongoing tour by an international rugby team which activists say violates the sports boycott of South Africa.
  9. The problem of hunger in America is getting worse and spreading to new groups despite the nation's steady five-year economic expansion, according to a report by the Physician Task Force on Hunger in America.
  10. Ira Khrustalova, 41, one of the hunger strikers, said she had just received her notice of refusal Tuesday.
  11. The prisoner began a hunger strike because he believed his letters weren't being delivered, and because he thought attorneys were being barred from visiting him, his father said.
  12. Like the jeans he wears and the food he eats when he's not on one of his well-publicized hunger strikes, the tan boots are donations.
  13. Soldiers wielding sticks and rubbers hoses Thursday night attacked journalists gathered in front of the building where oppositon leader Guillermo Endara was conducting a hunger strike. Endara was beaten and forced to leave the building.
  14. The hunger strikers voted to stay, with only 56 dissenting.
  15. This leads him to consider a nation that no longer can safely expect fewer and fewer tillers of the soil to fill more and more bellies at home and still have leftovers for unlimited hunger abroad.
  16. In short, the hunger for ownership has replaced location as the major buyer concern.
  17. The drought withering crops in parts of the nation won't mean hunger if it continues, but could mean disaster for farmers and spiraling costs for consumers, Agriculture Secretary Richard E. Lyng said Monday.
  18. In the strike at the Hyundai Heavy Industries Co. shipyard, dozens of workers barricaded inside a huge crane began a hunger strike Sunday to press their demand for the release of jailed union leaders, reports said.
  19. At one point, he went on a hunger strike to demand the right to see his American girlfriend, Judy Zimet.
  20. They followed about 75 protesters who ended a 48-hour hunger strike there in the morning, and more than 1,000 schoolchildren who completed a 36-hour fast Monday night at the Rangoon General Hospital compound.
  21. The hunger strikers want a ban on former Communist officials holding public office for 10 years.
  22. A nation this wealthy shouldn't have anybody hungry," Ms. Pakciarcz said. "One out of four children under 6 is poor and hungry and people are just saying no to hunger.
  23. Kozlov went on a hunger strike and barricaded himself in his cell Tuesday in a central Helsinki prison.
  24. Perhaps millions of people hunger for Wild Life beans in sauce with wild boar meat, for Buffalo Chip chocolate cookies, for tofu.
  25. The Detainees Aid Center, a human rights group, said today that two more hunger strikers had been taken to Hillbrow Hospital in Johannesburg, bringing to 13 the number hospitalized this week.
  26. The military has confined to barracks a corporal who went on a hunger strike and refused deployment with his unit because he opposes U.S. involvement in the Persian Gulf crisis.
  27. Mr. Brandon's hunger for Ameritrust is understandable.
  28. His comments came minutes after police hauled off several opposition political leaders who spoke to journalists near a building where workers staged a hunger strike.
  29. A total of about 300 prisoners initially went on a hunger strike three weeks ago to protest their jailing.
  30. The hunger strike has been credited for rousing anti-government opposition.
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