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 hunker ['hʌŋkә]   添加此单词到默认生词本
vi. 蹲座

n. 守旧者


    Hunker \Hun"ker\, n.
    Originally, a nickname for a member of the conservative
    section of the Democratic party in New York; hence, one
    opposed to progress in general; a fogy. [Political Cant,

    1. Although redemptions have eased in recent days, "People are deciding to hunker down in bond funds as well as stock funds," portfolio manager Tom Urmston says.
    2. He'll throw back a Scotch, scratch his crotch and move across the stage in a cowboy's loping amble. Then he'll hunker down on his haunches to tell a ribald story in a broad Texas drawl.
    3. "I am concerned that the Ethics Committee may be unable or unwilling to hunker down and do what I am convinced we simply must do to resolve the `Keating Five' matter," said Sen. Helms in a letter accompanying the report.
    4. Adversely affected parties hunker down and wait for the storm to pass.
    5. "There's always somebody who suggests that: throw up the walls, hunker down," the Massachusetts governor said.
    6. Companies like Merrell Dow, hoping to hunker down peacefully in Third World Ireland, are finding that even poor people want to breathe clean air and swim in untroubled waters.
    7. "There's always somebody around who suggests that: throw up the walls, hunker down," he said.
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