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 hundredweight ['hʌndrəd`wet]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. (英)一百一十二磅, (美)一百磅

    [ noun ]
    1. a unit of weight equal to 100 kilograms

    2. <noun.quantity>
    3. a United States unit of weight equivalent to 100 pounds

    4. <noun.quantity>
    5. a British unit of weight equivalent to 112 pounds

    6. <noun.quantity>

    Hundredweight \Hun"dred*weight`\, n.
    A denomination of weight, containing 100, 112, or 120 pounds
    avoirdupois, according to differing laws or customs. By the
    legal standard of England it is 112 pounds. In most of the
    United States, both in practice and by law, it is 100 pounds
    avoirdupois, the corresponding ton of 2,000 pounds, sometimes
    called the short ton, being the legal ton.

    Cental \Cen"tal\, n. [L. centum a hundred.]
    A weight of one hundred pounds avoirdupois; -- called in many
    parts of the United States a {Hundredweight}.

    1. In 1987, by contrast, record high yields and larger acreage pushed the total potato harvest up 7 percent to 385 million hundredweight.
    2. This year's loss was shown at $10.64 per hundredweight.
    3. Tomato prices plunged $9.40 in December to $14.30 per hundredweight, the lowest since 1970.
    4. Hog prices averaged $51 a hundredweight, up $1 from January, with barrows and gilts averaging $51.70 and sows $42.70, the department said.
    5. Even with the sharp percentage increases the total for specialty vegetables _ 12.5 million hundredweight _ was relatively small compared with the 1989 output of fresh market vegetables.
    6. The March ratio, which was included last week in USDA's monthly report on farm prices, was based on preliminary figures which showed the farm price of corn at $1.84 per bushel and the average price of hogs at $41.90 per hundredweight.
    7. Hog prices averaged $52.20 per hundredweight, up 10 cents from February, the department said.
    8. The North Dakota harvest of fall potatoes, for example, was less than 14.4 million hundredweight, down 38 percent from 1987.
    9. Sow prices declined 90 cents in June to $44.70 a hundredweight, while prices for barrows and gilts remained unchanged.
    10. Cattle, hogs and cotton were the only major commodities to run counter to the tide of tumbling Farm Belt prices. Overall, cattle prices climbed 70 cents in February to a record high of $77.30 a hundredweight, according to the department.
    11. The National Milk Producers Federation had estimated the three-month boost of 50 cents per hundredweight provided an additional $300 million in revenues for dairy farmers.
    12. Hog prices, meanwhile, averaged $47.60 per hundredweight, down $2.60 from November, the department said.
    13. Live cattle futures reached a record price for the second consecutive day Thursday on the Chicago Mercantile exchange, with the April contract finishing at $80.42 per hundredweight, up from Wednesday's $80.40.
    14. The fall crop of potatoes was estimated for the first time this season at 342 million hundredweight, up 5 percent from last year due to an increase in acreage.
    15. Hog prices, at $36 per hundredweight, were the lowest since June 1980, while beef cattle prices were unchanged at $67.10.
    16. Calf prices dropped $6.70 to $86.70 per hundredweight in June.
    17. Milk prices rose 30 cents last month to $12.60 per hundredweight, but were still $1.30 below year-ago prices, the department said.
    18. Hog prices may average in the mid-$50s per hundredweight, up about $11 from last year.
    19. The figures showed the U.S. rice inventory will be drawn down to 19 million hundredweight by Aug. 1, the lowest reserve at the start of a new rice marketing year since the 1980 crop.
    20. Fall potato production in those states, many of them hit by drought, declined to a five-year low of 299.3 million hundredweight from 333.1 million in 1987, the report said Thursday.
    21. Soybean oil for delivery in March soared to a seven-month high of $21.15 per hundredweight during the session and closed with a gain of 34 cents at $21 per hundredweight.
    22. Soybean oil for delivery in March soared to a seven-month high of $21.15 per hundredweight during the session and closed with a gain of 34 cents at $21 per hundredweight.
    23. Rice exports are forecast at 77 million hundredweight, up from 70 million last year but down from 85.4 million in 1986-87.
    24. As a result, cash hog prices soared and are expected to average about $48 per hundredweight this month in Iowa and southern Minnesota compared with about $40 last October.
    25. Hog prices averaged $46.80 per hundredweight, down $4.40 from August, the department said.
    26. The preliminary price for June showed some easing to $8.44 per hundredweight.
    27. Prices of feeder pigs, at $134 per hundredweight, were up $41.50 from January.
    28. In January, under a formula provided by the 1985 farm law, the support was reduced again by 50 cents to the current level of $10.60 per hundredweight.
    29. The farm price of milk rose to a record $16 per hundredweight in December.
    30. Barrows and gilts rose $4 in May to $55.20 a hundredweight, while sow prices slipped 30 cents to $46.20.
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