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 hung [hʌŋ]   添加此单词到默认生词本

    Hang \Hang\ (h[a^]ng), v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Hanged} (h[a^]ngd)
    or {Hung} (h[u^]ng); p. pr. & vb. n. {Hanging}.

    Usage: The use of hanged is preferable to that of hung, when
    reference is had to death or execution by suspension,
    and it is also more common.] [OE. hangen, hongien, v.
    t. & i., AS. hangian, v. i., fr. h[=o]n, v. t. (imp.
    heng, p. p. hongen); akin to OS. hang[=o]n, v. i., D.
    hangen, v. t. & i., G. hangen, v. i, h["a]ngen, v. t.,
    Icel. hanga, v. i., Goth. h[=a]han, v. t. (imp.
    ha['i]hah), h[=a]han, v. i. (imp. hahaida), and perh.
    to L. cunctari to delay. [root]37. ]
    1. To suspend; to fasten to some elevated point without
    support from below; -- often used with up or out; as, to
    hang a coat on a hook; to hang up a sign; to hang out a

    2. To fasten in a manner which will allow of free motion upon
    the point or points of suspension; -- said of a pendulum,
    a swing, a door, gate, etc.

    3. To fit properly, as at a proper angle (a part of an
    implement that is swung in using), as a scythe to its
    snath, or an ax to its helve. [U. S.]

    4. To put to death by suspending by the neck; -- a form of
    capital punishment; as, to hang a murderer.

    5. To cover, decorate, or furnish by hanging pictures,
    trophies, drapery, and the like, or by covering with paper
    hangings; -- said of a wall, a room, etc.

    Hung be the heavens with black. --Shak.

    And hung thy holy roofs with savage spoils.

    6. To paste, as paper hangings, on the walls of a room.

    7. To hold or bear in a suspended or inclined manner or
    position instead of erect; to droop; as, he hung his head
    in shame.

    Cowslips wan that hang the pensive head. --Milton.

    8. To prevent from reaching a decision, esp. by refusing to
    join in a verdict that must be unanimous; as, one
    obstinate juror can hang a jury.
    [Webster 1913 Suppl.]

    {To hang down}, to let fall below the proper position; to
    bend down; to decline; as, to hang down the head, or,
    elliptically, to hang the head.

    {To hang fire} (Mil.), to be slow in communicating fire
    through the vent to the charge; as, the gun hangs fire;
    hence, to hesitate, to hold back as if in suspense.

    Hung \Hung\,
    imp. & p. p. of {Hang}.

    {Hung beef}, the fleshy part of beef slightly salted and hung
    up to dry; dried beef.

    1. It's only noon and you're already drunk!" the voice said, and hung up.
    2. Former Attorney General Edwin Meese III testified at Oliver North's trial Tuesday that the specter of impeachment hung over the White House in the 72 hours after aides discovered a planned diversion of Iran arms sale money to the Nicaraguan Contras.
    3. Students at Peking University hung posters calling for another pro-democracy demonstration Thursday in the capital's central Tiananmen Square.
    4. Black flags were hung on telephone poles and pro-IRA slogans were scrawled on walls in Loughmacrory, 45 miles west of Belfast.
    5. Said Coach K: "We'd been here before and lost, and while I don't think I got hung up on that, winning is better.
    6. Nearby, the group has created a shower with a water bag hung from a tent pole and protected by two ponchos.
    7. But despite all the hubbub, Waldenites hung on to the original goal: find their best tree and give it to the country.
    8. After eight years in power, Papandreou's Panhellenic Socialist Movement lost elections last June that resulted in a hung Parliament.
    9. A six-foot crucifix hung on a wall behind an altar.
    10. The last round of talks in Mexico in June produced no accords after discussions got hung up on the subject.
    11. Even in sketches, if there are two children in bed, there seem to be four stockings hung up," said Mrs. Conlin.
    12. But even the last evening included a touch of patriotism. American and Soviet flags hung on either side of the "Royal Box" at the rear of the theater, and the orchestra played national anthems from both countries before the ballet began.
    13. "I hung on by a thin thread he wasn't implicated in it.
    14. I remember trying to cram a year of good times into a week of R&R in Singapore, and then landing back in Vietnam at the air base, hung over and depressed, only to be mortared in the terminal.
    15. In honor of the holiday, he hung 24 flags in front of his home, two in his garden and another across the street.
    16. The issue of race has hung over the case since the shooting. Three times in the 1980s, the killing of black men by white officers or the officers' acquittals on similar charges have sparked rioting in the Miami area.
    17. The sky-blue and white national flag was hung from windows and balconies of thousands of high-rise apartments.
    18. The town's superintendent of public works said he hadn't yet hung the "Salamander Crossing" signs designed by Shutesbury fourth-grader Rachel Mackintosh.
    19. Prosecutors say they have decided to retry two former bank executives whose first trial on federal fraud charges related to the near-collapse of Continental Illinois National Bank and Trust Co. resulted in a hung jury.
    20. She hung lures laced with honey on trees in the desert.
    21. The Soviets are rapidly developing an anti-ballistic missile (ABM) defense; the U.S. remains hung up in a political debate over whether the 1972 ABM treaty prevents it from doing even the simplest things to protect its stationary MXs from attack.
    22. Just before the analysts hung up, an IBM staffer said, "This earnings release is dedicated to the shorts and pessimists on IBM," says Terry Mogil, analyst at Chancellor Capital Management.
    23. But since the painting has been part of a traveling retrospective of O'Keeffe's work organized by the National Gallery of Art in Washington, D.C., it has been hung with the base of the tree at the top left corner.
    24. The windows have been tinted and low-wattage lamps hung from the ceiling.
    25. "They never called back," Wright told a news conference. "We believe this witness has information that could be crucial to this case." Wright said the caller had refused to stay on the line and hung up without giving any information.
    26. Palls of smoke hung over the Catholic ghettos of West Belfast.
    27. A black-and-white portrait of Gromyko, featuring the dour face that earned him the nickname "Grim Grom," hung at the entrance.
    28. Resolution of the Afghan conflict appears hung up on the role to be played in Afghanistan by Najibullah, the 43-year-old former security chief who uses only one name.
    29. These hung down over a stage so severely raked, it looked like Ms. Rolandi might slide off her bed on top of the oboist.
    30. Of course it was common at the beginning of the 19th century as the paintings were considered decorative, but now it simply doesn't work for a visitor attempting to examine a painting that is hung 30 feet high.
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