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 hatches 添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 出生、订婚、结婚和死亡栏

    1. "Everyone is battening down the hatches waiting," Lawrence L. Kreicher, vice president and economist at Irving Trust Co., New York, said.
    2. The hydraulic system drives some equipment on the submarine, including the periscope and hatches.
    3. I have moved down river, to a fishery on which the mayfly hatches in abundance.
    4. Dickinson said a hearing would spotlight such issues as continued problems with deficient brakes in the trucking industry, whether school buses have adequate escape hatches and whether students are sufficiently drilled on emergency escape routes.
    5. Both hatches were above the offensive systems operator's seat, on the right rear side of the cockpit.
    6. The fire marshal's report recommended escape-exit windows and roof hatches in new and old buses.
    7. Interest Rates It's time to batten down the hatches in the bond and bond-futures markets this week as fears about rising inflation and falling bond prices pervade traders' market outlook, futures analysts said.
    8. 'Batten Down the Hatches And Cut Excessive Spending' Jeno Paulucci, a Florida businessman who made a fortune in frozen pizza and canned chop suey, says, "It's time to batten down the hatches and cut waste and excessive spending.
    9. The official U.S. Coast Guard report concludes the Fitzgerald sank by taking on water through its hatches as the ship plowed through a tremendous storm with waves of up to 35 feet.
    10. Like other U.S. ships, the Jack Williams still maintains a wartime condition called "modified Zebra,"' in which watertight doors and hatches can be sealed off in seconds.
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