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 hatchment ['hætʃmənt]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 死者纹章匾

    Hatchment \Hatch"ment\ (-ment), n. [Corrupt. fr. achievement.]
    1. (Her.) A sort of panel, upon which the arms of a deceased
    person are temporarily displayed, -- usually on the walls
    of his dwelling. It is lozenge-shaped or square, but is
    hung cornerwise. It is used in England as a means of
    giving public notification of the death of the deceased,
    his or her rank, whether married, widower, widow, etc.
    Called also {achievement}.

    His obscure funeral;
    No trophy, sword, or hatchment o'er his bones.

    2. A sword or other mark of the profession of arms; in
    general, a mark of dignity.

    Let there be deducted, out of our main potation,
    Five marks in hatchments to adorn this thigh.
    --Beau. & Fl.

    Achievement \A*chieve"ment\ (-ment), n. [Cf. F. ach[`e]vement,
    E. {Hatchment}.]
    1. The act of achieving or performing; an obtaining by
    exertion; successful performance; accomplishment; as, the
    achievement of his object.

    2. A great or heroic deed; something accomplished by valor,
    boldness, or praiseworthy exertion; a feat.

    [The exploits] of the ancient saints . . . do far
    surpass the most famous achievements of pagan
    heroes. --Barrow.

    The highest achievements of the human intellect.

    3. (Her.) An escutcheon or ensign armorial; now generally
    applied to the funeral shield commonly called {hatchment}.

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