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 hatching ['hætʃiŋ]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 阴影, 影线

[机] 剖面线

  1. Chicks are hatching from the eggs.
  2. An organism at any time before full development, birth, or hatching.
  3. The breeding, hatching, and rearing of fish under controlled conditions.

[ noun ]
  1. the production of young from an egg

  2. <noun.process>
  3. shading consisting of multiple crossing lines

  4. <noun.attribute>

Hatch \Hatch\ (h[a^]ch), v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Hatched}
(h[a^]cht); p. pr. & vb. n. {Hatching}.] [F. hacher to chop,
hack. See {Hash}.]
1. To cross with lines in a peculiar manner in drawing and
engraving. See {Hatching}.

Shall win this sword, silvered and hatched.

Those hatching strokes of the pencil. --Dryden.

2. To cross; to spot; to stain; to steep. [Obs.]

His weapon hatched in blood. --Beau. & Fl.

Hatching \Hatch"ing\, n. [See 1st {Hatch}.]
A mode of execution in engraving, drawing, and miniature
painting, in which shading is produced by lines crossing each
other at angles more or less acute; -- called also

  1. The battle plan worked out by state and U.S. agriculture officials includes spreading a poison-laced bran and oil mixture on egg beds at the mouths of canyons where the insects are hatching.
  2. A California condor chick was coaxed from its egg Sunday as keepers clucked over the year's third successful hatching in an ongoing effort to save the giant vulture from extinction.
  3. After hatching, the chick was swaddled in a towel and put in the same type of incubator used for premature infants.
  4. And upon hatching, the virgin queen (like the newly appointed CEO) must eliminate any rivals to her position in the hive.
  5. The battle plan worked out by state and U.S. agriculture officials begins Tuesday with spreading a poison-laced bran and oil mixture on egg beds at the mouths of canyons where the insects are hatching.
  6. One knows to watch out for such characters, and sure enough these captains of intolerance are hatching something dire.
  7. After hatching, the chicks will be kept in captivity for three months, using puppets that resemble adult condors to feed them, said Michael Wallace, curator of birds at the Los Angeles Zoo and the project's field coordinator.
  8. Setting up headquarters in a phony rug store called Karpetland, Stone starts hatching his plans to destabilize the Soviet Union, using prep school pranks and infiltrators.
  9. He also doubts that fresh shell is better than its dredged counterpart as a hatching surface.
  10. Deaf to the war around them, they lift to the surface, rippling the black river in chase of mayflies hatching in the dusk of a Michigan evening.
  11. Local opinion suggested that shelter from the blast might be found at Ballycarron, upstream from Cahir. So it proved, and there was enough fly still hatching to keep the trout interested.
  12. At the same time, a few non-Japanese securities firms are hatching novel rescue packages for big Japanese companies whose attempts to reap easy money on the Euromarkets recently have bogged down.
  13. "If oil sinks to the bottom, it would kill or cover the crab larvae or eggs that are hatching," said Joe Maroon, president of Virginia's chapter of the Chesapeake Bay Foundation.
  14. Park officials had said they intended to intervene by Saturday if the chick, which began hatching Wednesday, hadn't emerged from the shell.
  15. It lays its eggs under the skin of a wide variety of fruits and vegetables, hatching maggots that destroy the crop.
  16. Medflies lay their eggs under the skin of a wide variety of fruits and vegetables, hatching maggots that destroy the crop.
  17. The developing broiler industries are also hurt if they can't import chicks or hatching eggs from the United States or Europe.
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