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 hatchet ['hætʃɪt]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 斧头, 手斧, 战斧

[机] 小斧, 手斧

  1. The two countries decided to finally bury the hatchet.
  2. A tool similar to a hatchet, used for cutting and dressing roofing slates.
  3. Two newspapers did avery effective hatchet job on the Prime Minister's achievements.

[ noun ]
  1. weapon consisting of a fighting ax; used by North American Indians

  2. <noun.artifact>
  3. a small ax with a short handle used with one hand (usually to chop wood)

  4. <noun.artifact>

Hatchet \Hatch"et\ (-[e^]t), n. [F. hachette, dim. of hache ax.
See 1st {Hatch}, {Hash}.]
1. A small ax with a short handle, to be used with one hand.

2. Specifically, a tomahawk.

Buried was the bloody hatchet. --Longfellow.

{hatchet face}, a thin, sharp face, like the edge of a
hatchet; hence:

{hatchet-faced}, sharp-visaged. --Dryden.

{To bury the hatchet}, to make peace or become reconciled.

{To take up the hatchet}, to make or declare war. The last
two phrases are derived from the practice of the American

  1. Guerrillas armed with assault rifles killed a West German priest when he tried to rescue another missionary who was being attacked with a hatchet, a church spokesman said Wednesday.
  2. Ms. Kazuck said she met Jeffrey Meka a few days before he was struck with the hatchet.
  3. It is the Arabs, after all, who for 43 years have refused to acknowledge Israel, and who must prove with deeds that they want to bury the hatchet.
  4. The Archbishop of Canterbury, a past critic of government policies, buried the hatchet and declared the war "just."
  5. The brother-in-law, James Selvin, 30, was struck twice in the head by the hatchet.
  6. Deborah Wentworth, 36, told state police Wednesday that she made up the story that she saw Robert Chambers hit Russell Bean with an hatchet in 1978.
  7. "It's time to bury the hatchet," said the man who organized bonfires across England to copy the warning of the Armada given 400 years ago, and Spain's ambassador drove to Cornwall to light the first one Tuesday night.
  8. Bush, who reviled Dukakis during the campaign as "another liberal governor coming out of nowhere," made clear immediately after the election that he hoped to bury the hatchet as quickly as possible.
  9. Technology was winning over technique and the poorer clubs and nations would be left behind. In the spring, some US colleges called for a ban on the hatchet.
  10. "Once it is and the appropriate efficiencies are recognized, the hatchet will probably come down."
  11. A celebratory barbecue before the swearing-in, Bono buried the hatchet with one of his chief detractors, outgoing Mayor Frank Bogert.
  12. "I didn't want to be a hatchet man who was going to clean house," says Mr. Friedsam, though he had been exactly that at Burroughs.
  13. "I am almost certain that the time will come when they are going to have to bury the hatchet and try to resolve their differences," Mr. Lee says.
  14. Wentworth told the paper that when Bean stepped between her and Chambers, Chambers picked up a hatchet and hit Bean several times in the head and once in the chest.
  15. However, the bulk of the powerful US team will be using the new oars. The hatchet oar originated with the Dreissigacker brothers, Peter and Dick, in Vermont.
  16. They symbolically buried a hatchet in a cake that read, "Welcome back Bert.
  17. He said he shot Bell in self-defense, finished him off with the hatchet and then survived the winter through cannibalism.
  18. Gov. James Blanchard and his spurned running mate, long-time women's rights champion Martha Griffiths, have buried the hatchet after their messy political split, a campaign official said Thursday.
  19. On May 23, Mubarak and Gadhafi met there and agreed to bury the hatchet.
  20. The officials even send a hatchet man to terrorize the residents, mostly Hispanic, when they grow restive under the rape of their land.
  21. For the 67th year, children in this little town will celebrate George Washington's birthday with a hatchet hunt.
  22. "I think it's healthy to bury the hatchet, to heal the wounds," said Friedman, who was at the Vietnam Memorial service.
  23. As hatchet man for the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp., NCNB has had the unpleasant mission of foreclosing on real estate and calling troubled loans.
  24. Packer admitted shooting one man, Shannon Wilson Bell, in self defense, but said Bell killed the other four with a hatchet while he was looking for a route out of the mountains.
  25. Some residents here want to bury the hatchet, as it were, and establish a display to commemorate the city's most notorious daughter, Lizzie Borden.
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