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 good-sized ['gʊd'saɪzd添加此单词到默认生词本
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  1. A friend of mine went last weekend and caught some good-sized fish.
  2. Out there beyond the Milky Way is a good-sized volume nearly devoid of noticeable galaxies.
  3. The fact is the entire banking systems of Indonesia, Thailand or Malaysia are comparable to one good-sized regional bank in the United States.

  1. "They used to be a fairly good-sized exporter, but more recently they've downsized their export exposure," said Mark Diverio, a pulp and paper analyst who follows Bowater for Shearson Lehman Hutton Inc.
  2. To a big railroad, "we're just a number in their computer, but we're a pretty good-sized customer to these people," says Ted Kirkpatrick, who owns a feed-additive company.
  3. The asking price is Pounds 250,000. It has a good-sized garden.
  4. On a recent market day in Adrar, a good-sized town on the fringes of the Sahara, there was nothing for sale but dates, onions and potatoes.
  5. After his exertions he scurried away from me and a good-sized pack of local TV-camera toters.
  6. I had a pretty good-sized headache, and I was slightly dizzy, but that soon passed," Dinkins said while leaving the hospital. "Even now I have a headache, but I feel fine.
  7. Though three good-sized adults might find it confining, two adults would be in decent shape.
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