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 Goodrich 添加此单词到默认生词本

  1. Goodrich described Medal of Honor as “historical fiction, ” but it felt transgressively real when I played it.
    Goodrich 称《荣誉勋章》为“历史虚构”,但玩游戏时它让我觉得超乎寻常地真实。
  2. “Because we don’t ever want to break that immersion, that it’s you, there, ” Goodrich told me in June as I watched him play through one of the game’s levels.
    “因为我们永远不想破坏那种身处游戏中的浸入感。” Goodrich 在我看着他玩这个游戏时说。
  3. That night, Goodrich told the men at dinner that he would excise the scene with Neil Roberts from the game and change the game into a work of historical fiction rather than a sort of docudrama.
    当晚,Goodrich 在晚餐上告诉顾问他将剪掉与 Neil Roberts 有关的场景,并把游戏从真实事件改编剧改成历史虚构作品。

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